Friday, August 31, 2012

15 weeks

Just after midnight Thursday morning, I woke up with bleeding again.  Ugh!  No more!  I have never ever bled during a pregnancy and now twice?  I call foul.  This time was quite a bit of blood again, but it was brown/old blood, so I felt pretty confident that it was just "leftover" from last week.  I honestly was not a bit worried, but when I called the midwives just to let them know, Mary wanted me to come in to check on the baby.  Sure enough, baby was just fine.  Strong heartbeat, plus movements that we could hear on the doppler.  Mary agreed that it was related to whatever caused the bleeding last time.  We still can't be sure that's the end of it, but I sure hope so.

We did go ahead and do the full prenatal appointment, since I was scheduled to come in next week anyway.  So that appointment is canceled and I will go for my next prenatal on Tuesday September 25, right before the anatomy scan ultrasound that Friday.

So here we are at 15 weeks.  Entering into what I truly hope and expect to be an uneventful last 25 weeks of pregnancy.  This week, the baby is 4" long.  Its eyelids are fused shut, but it has become sensitive to light and if I were to shine a flashlight against my belly, it would turn away from the light.  Its tastebuds are forming (time for me to start eating interesting foods...) and it's theoretically possible to determine the baby's sex now, though we'll have to wait 4 more weeks.

I'm still feeling good.  I took two days off of dog walking-- Wednesday night I was exhausted and went to bed early (just as well, since my sleep got disrupted with the whole bleeding thing) and yesterday, I took it easy all day out of an abundance of caution because of the bleeding.  Mary says I have no resrictions, though, and she was happy that I was walking, so I will start up again tonight.

I'll try inserting the video of the baby's heartbeat from yesterday.  I'm on my work computer, which doesn't like to play nicely with blogger, so we will see if it works.

I think it worked!  Yay!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Corner turned

For the last few days, I've felt pretty darned good.  If I eat often enough, but make sure not to eat too much at any one sitting, I can skip the nausea altogether (I'm still not perfect about that timing game, but I'm getting better).  I have made good on my commitment to walk the dog every day and my energy levels are good overall.  I'm back to 8 rather than 10 hours of sleep.  Ah, the easy days of the second trimester.

I am so ready to feel this baby move!  That is really the most blissful part of pregnancy, I think-- when you're feeling good and get the nice little wiggles and kicks.  Every now and then I'll feel something and wonder whether it's the baby, but I'm not one to call it until I'm certain and I'm not yet.  Soon, soon.

The girls started school yesterday.  Our schedule still feels crazy (and early! we leave the house by 7:00), but we'll settle into it soon.

Everything is peachy.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Day 1 of dog walking = success! Lazy no more.

Friday, August 24, 2012

14 weeks = Second Trimester!

Yes!  Second trimester!  Woohoo!  1/3 cooked.

Before all of the drama on Wednesday, I had intended to post that I considered myself 3 months pregnant on that day-- counting backwards from our due date.  Still not really showing.  I haven't gained weight yet either, which is typical for me.  I'll likely gain some in the second trimester and pack it on in the third.  Race to the finish.

I do think I'm starting to feel a little better.  Not all the way, but definitely an improvement from the week in Chicago.  It really seems pretty isolated to the evening at this point, so that's liveable.  Absolutely no more bleeding, so that's nice.

I'd like to start exercising more.  Which is maybe an overstatement of what I actually mean, which is I'd like to sit/lay around less.  My plan is to start getting up a little earlier so I have time to walk the dog, even if for just 15 minutes or so.  It will be good for both of us.

Apparently, this week the baby is busy starting to make expressions, thanks to more and more brain activity.  He or she (I'm doubting my gender guess more these days) is 3.5 inches long, which one of the sites said was the size of a lemon.  Thanks to the handy-dandy ruler I keep on my desk, for me, it's more meaningful to say that that's about the length of my palm.  I'm sitting here staring at my hand, picturing a perfectly formed little baby that could fit right there.  Amazing.

My girls start school next week, and I think we're all ready for the predictability of that.  Ah, routine.  We'll still have a million things going on each week, but at least they'll be recurring.  This summer camp schedule is exhausting.

I'm thinking of A today and hoping she's recovering nicely and feeling better.  The girls and Rick send you their good wishes too!  And I'm sure the baby is making some extra fantastic expressions in support.  :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A scary day with a happy ending

Not for the squeamish.

I woke up from a vivid dream at about 3:00 this morning and made one of my many overnight trips to the bathroom.  When I sat down, I realized my underwear and shorts were soaked through with blood.  Super scary.  I wiped and saw more blood.  Bright red, no clotting or tissue (which was a good sign, I thought).  My immediate thought was that it was cervical and not an issue with the baby.  I put on a pad and laid back down, since I was exhausted and thought I could get back to sleep.

Not so.  I talked myself into being more concerned, so I kept getting up to check and see if I was still bleeding.  I was, but still with no cramping or anything.  Eventually, I calmed down enough to go back to sleep, convinced that it would be gone when I woke up.

I got up at 7:00 and unfortunately the pad was full, so I had bled more.  I changed it, cleaned up, and called the midwives' office and left a message.  I didn't call the on-call number because I knew that there's nothing to be done about bleeding-- it's bad or it's not, but all you can do is hope for the best and check on the baby.  I emailed my boss to let her know I wouldn't be coming in.  I drove the girls to camp.

Back at home, I called Monika on her cell phone as I was sitting in the car in the driveway.  She was very empathetic, and it actually pushed me toward feeling upset for the first time (up to then, I'd say it was more detached concern-- I wasn't opening myself up to fully feeling the worry).  We set up a 10:30 appointment to come in and check the baby.  Then I hung up and cried for about 10 minutes.  That helped.  I shook myself off, ate some ice cream for breakfast, and then laid around until Rick got home (he was on shift last night).

When I went to the bathroom before the appointment, there was nothing on the pad.  So though I'd bled quite a bit between 3 and 7, there was nothing between 7 and 10.  That felt like a good sign.

Rick drove us to the appointment.  As soon as I walked in, I told Monika, "I really think everything is ok.  The bleeding stopped.  I'm not cramping.  We're going on the assumption that everything is ok."  That was my attempt to shut down the empathy, which I knew would make me cry again.  And it worked.

Mary came in, with her empathetic/worried face on, but I headed that off to.  She said, "Ok, let's go ahead and check you out."  She put the doppler on my belly and only had to search for about 10 seconds before we heard the heartbeat loud and strong.  Baby was clearly doing just fine.  I really thought he would be, but of course it was still a relief.  My uterus felt fine, no pain.  I had no fever (my temp was 98.6 exactly).

Next she did a pelvic exam and found a large polyp on my cervix.  Cervical polyps are common for women with 2+ pregnancies, and actually, I had one last time too.  They are benign and if they haven't just gone away on their own before delivery, they generally twist off then.  They are not a threat to anything, but they could bleed.  So that was one possible cause for the bleeding.  And given the color (bright red) and consistency (thin), she thought it was a likely explanation.

The other possibility was a bleed from the placenta.  Mary said that sometimes a small lip of the placenta will lift off of the uterine wall, causing a wound that can bleed.  The lifted section can either (1) heal, (2) continue to ooze blood, but stay the same size, or (3) continue to detach, eventually jeopardizing the pregnancy.  (3) is very rare.  I asked her if this was the same as subchorionic hemorrhage, which I know is a common complication of IVF (I've seen many other surrogates have bleeding from SCH).  She said it was.

So we had two possible explanations for the bleeding, neither of which was a major concern.  But she said that for peace of mind, she could refer me to Dr. Berry for an ultrasound.  I said I thought that would be good, so she called and set up the appointment for 3:30.

At Dr. Berry's office, we had the same super-fast/abrupt sonographer that we had two weeks ago for the first trimester screening.  I had told Rick ahead of time to be ready to video, since I knew we wouldn't have much time to get situated!  She said, "So, we're making sure this baby still has a heartbeat."  And I said, "Actually, we're pretty confident it does.  We wanted to see if we could figure out what was causing the bleeding-- maybe a subchorionic hemorrhage?"  She said, "Well, most of the time, we can't tell what causes bleeding.  Let's take a look."

The ultrasound was a little difficult to see-- weird angles or something.  But she immediately pointed out the heartbeat, which had a rate of 169 bpm.  Then she started looking around the placenta (which, incidentally, is along the back of my uterus).  If you listen carefully to this video, you can hear her discovering what might be a teeny tiny SCH.  She took measurements from a few angles, but it was very small and flat.  She said if that's what it was, they would expect it to be resolved when we come back for our 19 week ultrasound.

And that was it.  No pics, so all we have is Rick's bootlegged video. 

The best view of the baby we had was when she says "There's your baby," but I'm not sure you can see it well here.  I could see the whole spine-- pretty neat.

So that was my exciting day.  Remember when I said boring was a GOOD thing during pregnancy?  I'd like the boring back, please.  Oh, on that note, it's worth mentioning that under either theory, I could have more bleeding.  It shouldn't be as scary, since we know it's probably ok, but yuck.  Nobody wants to see bleeding during pregnancy.  So hopefully, last night was the end of it.

Very thankful that baby is doing well.  And thanks M and N for being so calm and supportive today-- you deserve gold stars and cookies.  Come to think of it, I'm going to go eat a cookie right now, in your honor.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

So sweet

Andie picked out a round loom kit and some yarn for her birthday. Her first project? A hat for the baby. I just thought that was so sweet.

And she did a great job too!

Friday, August 17, 2012

13 weeks

Subtitle: The Worst Blogger Ever

So last week, I threw up an ultrasound pic as a placeholder, knowing I would come back to update about our long first trimester screening appointment, etc. At lunch that day, I told M and N I would blog more, since I apparently have quite a following out there in Houston.

The road paved with good intentions...

Friday night I felt awful. There was no way I could sit down and write. Saturday morning, I took Rick and the girls to the train station to start their journey to Chicago, then came home and felt gross for most of the day. Again, no blogging mojo. And then Sunday I left for Chicago (on a direct flight, thank you-- no 1.5 day train rides for me). I brought the iPad with me, but between spotty internet connectivity and just not liking to type on the iPad-- well, you know what happened. Nothin'. So here we are at 13 weeks, and I owe a big fat update.

13 Weeks Pregnant
13 Weeks Pregnant

This is the last little anonymous development baby I'll post, as from this point forward, they basically just get a little fatter and a little bigger each week.  Ok, maybe that head shape smooths out too, but the point is that the major developmental changes are done.  Baby is 3" long and weighs about an ounce.  He has fingerprints now, which I love.  If he is actually a she, she has all her little eggs already growing in her ovaries, which is mind-boggling.

I'm still not feeling fantastic.  I had some pretty rough evenings while in Chicago.  Wednesday was Andie's 11th birthday and we took a rush-hour commuter train out of the main part of the city to go to a Polish restaurant.  I really thought I might lose it on the train--  I didn't have a seat and it was hot and crowded and evenings just aren't my time of day to begin with.  Rick said I looked pretty bad.  But I made it, made it through dinner too, and faked my way through a happy birthday.  Afterward, Mariela and I went back to the hotel while Rick and Andie went to Navy Pier to ride rides and watch fireworks.  Even in bed, I was feeling pretty bad.  Alas.  I know there isn't much more of this... just a few more weeks at the worst.

Incidentally, this isn't worse than it's been in the weeks before, it's just wearing on me more as time goes on.  I really do know it's going to get better.

So, moving backwards and giving up the good news as a spoiler before I talk about last week's appointment, on Monday, I got a message on my phone from the genetic counselor.  Transcribed:

Hey Simi, this is Sarah calling from Dr. Berry's office.  Good news for you to share with M and N.  The first trimester screen came back normal.  So the risk of Down's Syndrome came back 1 in 4,053 and the risk for Trisomies 18 and 13 came back 1 in 9,741.  That's equivalent for both of those to the risk of a 20 year-old, so good news.

It doesn't get better than that!

The appointment itself consisted of taking an extensive genetic history of M and N, taking a blood sample from me to test levels of beta hCG and PAPP-A, and then doing an ultrasound to measure the baby's nuchal fold (the area at the back of the neck) and some other measurements.  Everything is entered into a computer program that then adjusts the age-based risk, which was about 1 in 200 for Down's and some smaller than that for the trisomies (I don't remember exactly).

It was very cool to see the baby-- and to see M, N, and A seeing the baby for the first time!-- but it was seriously the fastest ultrasound ever.  The technician was ridiculously efficient and just zoomed through everything.  No time for sentimentality.  The baby looked great, though, and even as a total non-expert, with the first flash of the image on the screen, I felt pretty sure everything was normal and good.  It was.  :)

After the appointment, we had a fabulous lunch at Roaring Fork.  It's so good to be able to hang out a little with everybody-- we hadn't seen them since transfer!  I wish we could have spent more time, but we had a camp thing for Andie to go to, plus last minute trip prep, so it didn't work this time.

We did get to talk about breast milk, which we hadn't talked about before.  M and N would like the baby to have milk and I'm happy to pump-- last time around, I pumped and donated to the milk bank for 12 weeks.  This time, I'll just freeze it and overnight it to Houston.  I may not be able to make everything the baby needs, but even if I can do half, it's a big boost for the baby and one I'm happy to give.  So yay for having that figured out.  I'm sure anyone who overheard any part of our lunchtime discussion was thoroughly confused.

Anyway, I do plan on being better about updating the blog, even if it's to come on and say that I'm cursing life and only want to eat Lucky Charms (neither is true as of now, at least).  Just a week out from the second trimester now and life is easier on the other side.  I've usually held on to the yucky symptoms until 14-15 weeks, but even that is doable.  No problemo.

Oh-- I did want to tell A that I ate junk food in Chicago that would make her proud.  Probably the yummiest was a fresh-baked warm chocolate chip pizza (cookie dough cooked in a 6" deep dish pan) topped with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.  Decadent.  Even with my currently ambivalent palate, I knew that was good stuff...  We also had a cannoli, which I adore and get in any city with a respectable Italian population (can't get a good one in Austin-- Ferrara's in NYC is my favorite).  And lemon pound cake.  And cookies.  I ate all of that because of her instructions to feed the baby properly and stop making it eat fish and vegetables.  :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

11 weeks

Still not a whole lot to report, which is a good thing.  Boring is what you're looking for in a pregnancy.  My intense cravings have stopped, as far as I can tell.  Fun while it lasted.  Still having bouts of nausea, but overall, I'm still astounded by how minimal morning sickness has been this time around.  It usually doesn't fully let up for me until 14-15 weeks, so I may not be completely out of the woods yet, but thus far, this has been one kind baby.

Can't quite put the whole "large uterus" thing out of my head.  Now that I know that most people's is just over the pubic symphysis at this point, there's no denying that mine has far outgrown that.  I'd say it's as high as 2-ish inches below my belly button and when I google that, it says 16 weeks pregnant.  I'm still not showing, though, and still wearing my regular clothes (which are, admittedly, very forgiving).  I wonder what Dr. Berry will say about it, if anything.  Maybe this baby is just tall, like his sister.

I'm definitely looking forward to our appointment next week.  Dr. Berry has seen me for all of my pregnancies.  He did level II ultrasounds for both of my girls, and then quite a bit of follow-up starting mid-pregnancy with my surrogate pregnancy.  I think he's so sharp and I really trust his judgment-- I feel lucky to have the chance to work with him again.

This week, the baby is somewhere between 1.5 and 2 inches long (unless my exceptional height theory is right).  All those little organs are fully formed and growing.  This next stretch of development is a huge explosion of growth.  He's already turning somersaults and kicking/moving his arms, but I can't feel any of that yet.

The star of our show:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

First prenatal appointment

Yesterday, I had my first prenatal appointment with Monika, one of my midwives.  Mary, Debra, and Monika all practice together, so I'll see each of them along the way.  It was great to see her-- I haven't seen her since my postpartum checkup nearly 2 years ago.  Mary has been my midwife for the longest and I love her, but Monika is closer to my age and we're a good personality fit.  It's a good practice to be in.  They are all genuinely excited about this pregnancy.

The appointment took quite a long time, because she had to take a comprehensive medical history and talk through any issues surrounding this pregnancy.  There was a lot to catch up on!  They took blood and urine samples to run the standard OB lab panels, since the ones I did before cycling were just old enough to be outdated.

Then it was on to the fun part-- feeling and listening for the baby.  When she was palpating, she said I had excellent muscle tone and asked whether I'd been working out, which is so the opposite of true that I laughed. Turns out that part of the reason she said that is that she was trying to decide is something was part of my abdominal muscle or the top of my uterus, because it was so much higher than she expected. When we listened for the baby, she started low, where she would have expected the uterus to be, and found nothing. It was a little nerve-wracking, and she said something like "Don't worry, I can definitely feel your uterus" (so I knew it was growing like it should be).  So she moved up into the questionable area and sure enough, baby was right at the top (video posted yesterday from my home computer, since it is more cooperative).

She said that if I hadn't already had 2 ultrasounds, she'd be referring me for one to rule out twins, since my uterus is measuring at about 12-13 weeks (I am 10w4d)-- and it's both high and wide, so it's not just long and skinny or something.  But I did have TWO ultrasounds showing ONE baby, so... I think we're good to go for one baby.

And, for context, I checked my old blog and when I was carrying twins, at 12 weeks, I measured *19* weeks, so a whole 7 weeks ahead.  A little 2 week difference is probably just an indication that my uterus is overeager (and had played this game a few times already).  Monika said it more nicely-- "the uterus blooms the way it wants to; you can't predict it."  I have bloomed.