We finally got last week's estrogen test results on Wednesday. 490, which is high enough that I was supposed to go down to one patch and... test again today! Oh, I am so *done* with labs. But Mariela and I were at the lab right at 7 this morning for what I dearly hope is my last estrogen test.
That's as far as I got on Friday before the computer completely froze on me.
So... to cut to the chase, it was my last estrogen test! My level was 701, so off the patches I go. Actually, I took off the one I had while I was sitting at my desk at work. Yahoo! I've had more energy for the last couple of days, so I'm assuming that's directly related to not having the extra dose of estrogen in my life.
Otherwise, plodding along with everything pretty much the same. My two random cravings this past week were fresh lemonade and salty french fries. I am not a french fry person in general-- I think part of my appeal to Rick when we were in college was my complete willingness to forgo the fries in an extra value meal. Ha! But the fries I had on Friday were quite possibly the best thing I've eaten in weeks.
Here's my buddy at 9 weeks:

9 Weeks Pregnant
He's (on my hunch he's a boy) one inch long, half of which is his head, which is still tucked to his chest. He weighs a bit less than a penny. He has fully formed eyes (though his eyelids won't open until 27 weeks). His embryonic tail has disappeared. Looking good!
French fries and lemonade worked for me early in pregnancy, when I thought I couldn't stomach anything. Did that work well when you were pregnant with Leo, too? Can't remember. --Cara