Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Apparently, it doesn't take much to get me excited.  I took my last birth control pill on Sunday and CD1 is today = time to start making appointments!  I called Barb at Houston IVF first thing this morning and then carried the phone around all day waiting for the return call.  A little obsessive.  Anyway, she called just a bit ago and here's what I know:

  • She's preparing orders for me to go to Texas Fertility on Friday for an initial monitoring visit.  I had an appointment with them this fall, so I should be on the books and good to go.
  • She will prepare a meds calendar for me and is calling estrogen patches into my pharmacy, so those must be starting soon.  I've taken oral estrogen before, so this is new for me-- she says they're like bandaids.
  • Next Thursday (3/29), Rick and I will go to Houston.  I have an afternoon appointment with Houston IVF and I'm trying to get our psychological evaluation with Leslee Murphy scheduled for earlier that day (I left a message with her after I talked to Barb).  I know Rick and I have to have a joint session and I think they also require a joint counseling session between both families, so if N or M is available, we may be able to cross that off as well.
We also officially finalized the contract this week, which is great to have out of the way.  All the pieces are falling into place.

Interestingly enough, my surrogacy law practice is really busy right now too-- lots of new surrogate clients.  It must be spring!

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