Monday, July 22, 2013

22 weeks

A quite overdue weekly update!

I was 22 weeks on Friday and my only excuse is that it was a long day.  Let the house at about 7:45, got to M and N's house in Houston a little past 10:30, and then we all got to Dr. Dryden's office right at 11.  We had a fantastic first appointment with her-- I went in briefly first (as not to overwhelm with our full entourage), and then after a few minutes, Dr. Dryden went out to the waiting area to get M and N.  A little thing-- having the doctor volunteer to go get them, rather than sending a nurse-- but it feels significant and personal.

Anyway, we talked through some of the logistics of getting from here to delivery, and I feel like we have more of a plan.  We asked when I should be in Houston and she said she would defer to Dr. Haeri, but that her first inclination was to say 23-24 weeks.  Eek!  We'd had 28 weeks in mind as kind-of a worst case scenario, and it seems like it's actually our best.  I absolutely understand the reasoning of saying 24 weeks-- at 24 weeks, the babies are viable and if they're born that early, we certainly want them in Houston and not Austin.  But, as she acknowledged, the decision isn't made in a vacuum.  I do have a life and family here in Austin and it will be difficult to relocate, even temporarily.  So 28 weeks is a compromise, but it feels like a reasonable one.  If there's any indication at all that I should go sooner (cervical changes), I will.

Ok, so that's decision #1: Move to Houston at 28 weeks.

Decision #2 was what to do between now and then.  Dr. Dryden said she didn't need to see me until I was down there, so thankfully, that means no more there-and-back trips to Houston.  Instead, I'll continue to see Dr. Haeri.  And, if Dr. Haeri is willing to be my emergency back-up and do full maternity visits (which I think is just adding a urine test-- not a huge deal), I don't need to see an OB up here.  That would be kind of fabulous.  So I will check in with him next Wednesday and see what he says.

Once I do go to Houston, my MFM care will transfer to Dr. Carpenter.  Dr. Dryden said he will be driving most of my prenatal care-- monitoring the babies, determining when it's appropriate to deliver.  She will do the delivery itself, but since he does full maternity visits, there's no need for me to see her as often as I do him.  She said about every other visit should be fine-- enough to maintain our relationship and our expectations for delivery.

She said the odds of a vaginal triplet delivery are very low, but that she's willing to do it under the right circumstances (and, as I already knew, has done it).  Those circumstances are, as the research would suggest, a head-down presenting triplet, a presenting triplet that is not significantly smaller than the other babies, and all three babies able to be monitored.  It's way to early to guess right now, but so far, we're 1 for 3: Baby A is the biggest baby, but he hasn't decided on a position yet (was breech on Thursday, transverse on Friday-- I'm currently explaining to him the joy of headstands), and of course we can't yet guess about monitoring.

She also said we can aim for 36 weeks, but she's taken some flack for not delivering triplets at 35 weeks.  I'm still keeping 37 in mind as my goal-- I'd rather overshoot.  :)

She did a quick ultrasound, which was M and N's first opportunity to see one live, rather than just in pictures or over FaceTime.  The babies looked great.  M and N both claim they saw a fourth baby, but they are insane.  There are "only" three.  I promise!  Dr. Dryden actually did a great job keeping them straight on the screen-- I know from experience how very difficult that can be.

She also measured my fundal height: 35 cm.  Huge!

We were all flying high after the appointment, feeling good about the doctor who would be delivering this trio.  We headed to Pappadeaux for lunch to celebrate, which has turned into something of a tradition for us.  I ordered an 11 ounce serving of tilapia that got shorted as the 7 ounce lunch portion, so they ended up giving me an additional lunch portion to equal 14 ounces of fish.  Plus, during the wait, N had already given me 3-4 ounces of her mahi mahi.  So I ate over a pound of fish!  Oink, oink!  Killed a whole day's worth of protein check boxes in one meal.

The drive home was long-- heavy traffic and heavy rain.  But I made it there safe and sound and was happy to lounge around and enjoy our new windows that were installed the day before.

22 week stats:

Weight: 193 lbs. (+34)
Waist circumference: 42"

Right on track to not only hit the 36 pounds in 24 weeks goal, but also the 54 pounds in 28 weeks goal.  I am a grand champion eater!

One of the triplet mamas in a multiples group I follow on facebook just delivered a week ago, at 37w1d.  Babies were 5#9, 6#2, and 6#12.  Good inspiration to keep up the crazy eating.  Those are exactly the kind of weights I would love to see.

Here's what babycenter says this week:

How your baby's growing:

At 11 inches and almost 1 pound (about the size of a spaghetti squash), your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.
If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

I do love spaghetti squash.  Though not at Pappadeaux, as it turns out-- theirs was too sweet and I prefer mine savory.

So as much as I love the idea of each of these babies already weighing a pound, and I fully embrace the goal of 5+ pound babies, the thought of them each quintupling in size when I am already HUGE is a little frightening.  Bring it on, babies.  Let's see what this body can do.

As for me, still feeling pretty good.  Big, but good.  No complaints.

All over the place and late with this week's update, but at least I finally wrote it!  I will be more prompt for 23 weeks.  :)

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