Saturday, February 25, 2012

Waiting, waiting

I think it would be impossible to get used to all of the waiting involved in surrogacy. I'm such a "take charge" person in every other aspect of my life, but in surrogacy, there's just a lot of "sit back and take it." And that's what we're doing right now.

We've gone back and forth on the contract a couple of times, but I think we probably have an agreement now. We were good on all of the big issues- it's literally a sentence or two that we're fiddling with. I'll be ready for that to be over and done with, though that's really not the hold up.

The hold up is getting medical clearance to move forward. The intended mother, N, has some medical issues that require medication. Even though the medications were recently reduced about 80% from what they were for a previous retrieval, the clinic is asking that they be approved by a medication specialist before we start moving towards cycling. We had hoped that she could get an appointment in time for me to go to Houston next week for my medical and psychological screening. No such luck. The earliest appointment was 3/9, which means my screening is delayed for another month.

Gayle thinks the clinic will want to do a mock cycle. So if we're looking at end of March for screening, then a mock cycle in April, I guess our transfer will be in May or June? I really am such a planner, and I remember all of the fuzzy details and ever-changing timing from my first surrogacy without any fondness. But I know once we get all of this out of the way, the real fun starts and it all seems worth it. M and N have already been at this for a year. I can hang in there for a few months more to make this baby a reality.

So next update in a month or so. Inching towards the goal!

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