Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Corner turned

For the last few days, I've felt pretty darned good.  If I eat often enough, but make sure not to eat too much at any one sitting, I can skip the nausea altogether (I'm still not perfect about that timing game, but I'm getting better).  I have made good on my commitment to walk the dog every day and my energy levels are good overall.  I'm back to 8 rather than 10 hours of sleep.  Ah, the easy days of the second trimester.

I am so ready to feel this baby move!  That is really the most blissful part of pregnancy, I think-- when you're feeling good and get the nice little wiggles and kicks.  Every now and then I'll feel something and wonder whether it's the baby, but I'm not one to call it until I'm certain and I'm not yet.  Soon, soon.

The girls started school yesterday.  Our schedule still feels crazy (and early! we leave the house by 7:00), but we'll settle into it soon.

Everything is peachy.

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