Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Yesterday's news

Late in the afternoon yesterday, Andrea emailed me to let me know my estrogen level was 721, so I could drop down to 2 Vivelle patches.  Hooray!  Fewer meds = always a good thing.  I need to remember to get a copy of my blood draw order for Friday so I can test again and maybe get off the patches altogether?  Though last time I think it took 3 tests, maybe.  Vivelle is no big deal, except that the adhesive is difficult to remove and, after weeks of being on them, they start to make me itch.  I will not cry any tears to see it go.

I also got a call back from Texas Fertility so I could schedule my ultrasound for Friday.  It will be 3:00 in the afternoon.  Later than would have been my choice, but that's ok.  This week we'll see if we can get a heartrate for baby A, who was too tiny and far away last time to capture.

I felt pretty gross again yesterday afternoon, but slept great (and dreamed Rick bought me a fixer-upper of a house).  This morning, I felt pretty good.  I tend to do worse as the day goes on, but maybe today I can buck that trend.

1 comment:

  1. Even tho I had the cliff-notes version of this latest Simi-saga, It was fun to read the full story :) I love the positive "tone" you have carried and am praying that all goes smoothly for you these next 30ish weeks!!! Can't wait to hear all about this next u/s and where you will go from here :)

    P.S. Out of all the meds, the patches are the worst! While I count down the days to the end of the PIO, I think I get the most excited about losing the patches :) They are itchy, the sticky bugs me, and I'm not a fan of synthetic estrogen. Hope you get to lose the other 2 patches soon!!!
