Friday, August 9, 2013

25 weeks

25 weeks and truckin' along.  Still walking a mile most mornings to get Mariela to camp.  Still crashing most afternoons by 3 or 4, but getting a second wind a little later on.  Babies are moving a bunch.  They had a couple of slower days, but today, they're all keyed up and bouncing around.  The movements are more central and high, so maybe Mr. A has decided to flip head-down?  That would be lovely.

I see these weekly surveys on other journals, which I'm not keen to do, but I will mention that my belly button is still an innie and I don't seem to have gained any new stretch marks, though in time, I suspect both of those things may change.  Instead of stretch marks, I sport bruises from my lovely Lovenox injections.  Oh well-- those will go away.

I have now gained 41.8 pounds, putting me just over the big 2-0-0 mark (200.8).  I am officially putting aside Dr. Luke's 54-pounds-by-28-weeks goal, because I feel confident that (a) I'm eating well and (b) I'm eating all I can, so (c) que sera, sera.  The amount I'm gaining is the right amount to gain, whatever that is.  Look at me, bring all Zen.  Plus, I don't think we're going to be delivering close to 28 weeks (no guarantees, I realize), so I'm thinking we have some extra time to grow.

Don't think that means I'm retiring my weight gain spreadsheet.  No sir!  That goes with me to the bitter end.  I may be Zen, but I'm Zen with statistics! 

Here's what babycenter says about 25 weeks:

How your baby's growing

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — 1 1/2 pounds — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Dude, babycenter, get with the times.  These babies were a pound and a half last week.  Looks like I can't refer to the ruler at my desk for their lengths anymore.  Kids grow so fast.  I'm sure they all have hair already, though it's still so hard to imagine three little bodies, three little (hairy) heads, 30 fingers, 30 toes.  Will that ever seem real?  Maybe when they're born?

All in all, not a very exciting week (though I am still very happy about the passed GTT-- 98!).  Next Friday, I have an appointment with Dr. Haeri, and then I'll have another probably two weeks after that.  Three weeks and a couple of days from now, I'll be in Houston.  Starting to count down...

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