Friday, September 21, 2012

18 weeks

No more distinct kicks like I felt the other day, but some little squiggles of movement-- right now, actually, I can feel something going on that I think is more than the oatmeal I ate for breakfast.  I do know that in my last pregnancy, it was just after 18 weeks that the movement picked up a lot, so hopefully any day now we start throwing in-utero dance parties.

I suspect the baby is positioned something like this:

...which would send most of the kicks/punches backwards into the placenta, where it's difficult for me to feel.  But baby is getting heftier-- my uterus is the size of a cantaloupe and the baby is 5.5" head-to-rump and weighs 7".  Sometimes it really blows my mind that a WHOLE PERSON that's already so substantial could be living in my body with very few clues that he or she is even there.  Craziness.
Some of the weekly development sites are saying the baby is starting to hear me talk now.  Sadly, baby, that means you also get to spend a lot of time listening to me sing, as living with me is a little like living in a musical comedy.  Why say it when you can sing it?

Some people use Belly Buds to play the baby's family's voices to the baby, so he or she will recognize them at birth.  Or to protect him or her from a crazy, singing surrogate.  Just saying.

That's about it.  I'm feeling fine, sleeping fine (albeit with a million pillows), eating fine.  Certain sugary things don't sit well, but that's no great sacrifice, particularly since chocolate is still safe.  Really, really looking forward to our anatomy scan next week, which is pretty much the last big test to assure everybody that this baby is as healthy as they come.  AND we'll soon know if it's a bambina or a bambino.  I could wait, but I know nobody else can!

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