Friday, May 17, 2013

13 weeks

Babycenter update:

How your baby's growing:

Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

Weight update: 163.6 lbs.  Another gain.  I'm going to credit the dinner Andie and I had last night at Salty Sow, just down the street.  It's a higher-end restaurant with, hello, a $4 happy hour menu.  Yum!  We had truffled deviled eggs, goat cheese fritters with kalamata spread on toast, crispy brussel sprout leaves, duck fat fries topped with poached duck eggs, and bananas foster beignets for dessert (as if that was necessary).  So much food.  Final bill: $25.  Craziness.

Right, so as that may indicate, food is definitely more appealing these days.  I have maybe the slightest passing bits of nausea, but for the most part, life is better.

And hey-- today someone cat-called me (well, rolled down the window and yelled, "Hey Baby!") while I was at Mariela's school.  So I must be looking pretty hot, right?  Granted, I was standing behind my car at the time, and all he could see was me brushing my hair into a ponytail.  Uh, whatever gets you going, Random Stranger Dude.  Made me laugh.  I'm sure if he got the full, increasingly belly-centric picture, he might have had a different opinion.

I checked in on the babies with the doppler last night.  I don't want to go crazy with exposing them to it, so I only tried to find one heartbeat, but it was super easy to get it.  Rick timed it at 168 beats per minute.  Going strong!

Oh, one yuck note for an otherwise upbeat post.  I continue to have light bleeding or spotting most days-- the darned cervical polyp will not let up.  I've researched it and what I've read supports what Dr. Uribe said-- it's no concern, just a nuisance. Pregnancy should not involve bleeding.  Boo.  Hiss.

I think that's it for this week.  Next Friday, I have an appointment with Dr. Uribe-- just another 2 hour wait for a 5 minute appointment?  Let's hope not!  Just in case, I'll bring my ipad and earbuds, so I can watch a movie.  Two weeks after that is our anatomy scan with Dr. Haeri, my BFF.

Rockin' and rollin'.

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