Friday, July 27, 2012

10 weeks

Let's see... this week, babycenter tells me the baby is the size of a kumquat, which is (hello) not helpful.  The 3D pregnancy site (where I lift pictures from) says a Brazil nut, which I can picture but won't be satisfying to Mariela, who wants a size update every Friday.  Baby is about an inch and a half long, and roughly the weight of a nickel.

Maybe the most significant thing this week is that we transition from embryo to fetus.  Basically, that means that all the little parts and systems are in place and now just need to mature and get (much, much) bigger. 

It also means that I'm going to start having an iced tea every now and then.  I religiously avoid caffeine for the first few weeks, even though everything says a moderate amount is ok, just because it doesn't feel like I should throw another chemical in the mix with all of those organs taking shape.  Don't get me wrong-- I still won't go overboard, as I'm never much of a caffeine consumer anyway.  But a glass of iced tea every now and again would be lovely.

I'm still feeling pretty good-- so much better than any other pregnancy.  I'm about to be done with the Crinone (progesterone) too, so that should only improve things.

Looking forward to my prenatal appointment with Monika on Tuesday.  Hopefully we'll get to hear the heartbeat.  We're right on the line of when it's possible, so if my uterus is tipped backwards or anything, it may not happen (and would not be a cause to worry).  But hopefully!

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