Monday, July 2, 2012


Subject reflects both my physical state and my frustration level.

Physically-- on my second night of 12+ hours of sleep (and could have slept more), so exhaustion has definitely set in.  Very strong food aversion too-- it's difficult for me to find anything that sounds even remotely appetizing.  The nausea is still pretty fleeting, but I can tell it's going to kick in.  I'd been kind-of wanting to have some more symptoms, as they're (oddly) comforting during these early weeks.  Wish granted.

No wishes granted on another front.  I exchanged emails with Barb into late Friday afternoon and she never received my lab results!  Even after me calling the lab and having them refax them (as I've had to do every time).  I was really mad at the lab, but the more I think about it, I'm pretty sure the issue is with Houston IVF's fax machine.  Because they didn't receive my ultrasound report from Friday either, and I find it difficult to believe that both Texas Fertility and the lab (repeatedly) dropped the ball.  Barb is on vacation this week, but I left a message this morning for Andrea, asking her to confirm whether she'd received the reports.  She said there was nothing on the fax machine or in my chart.  ARGH.  So frustrating.  But she gave me the nurses' private fax number and I called the lab and Texas Fertility again and gave them the new number.  So maybe we'll have actual results this afternoon?  Three days later?  So much for STAT.

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