Friday, July 13, 2012

8 weeks

I had our 8 week ultrasound this morning.  Here's what we saw:

If you find the exact middle of the screen, and then look just a bit to the left and down (7:00), you'll see the baby's heartbeat flickering away.  The heart rate was 160 beats per minute, which is right where it should be right now.  The baby measured 14.1 mm from crown to rump, which put it at exactly 8w0d-- perfect!  I just measured that with a ruler and it's almost exactly the width of my thumb, to give it some perspective.  The pregnancy sites are saying the size of a kidney bean, if that works better for you.

After the ultrasound appointment, we (Mariela and I) went to the lab for my estradiol blood test.  No results back on that yet, but I know better than to hold my breath for those!  I imagine it may be high enough now to quit using these Vivelle patches, which would be great.  They're no big deal-- I'm just ready to stop taking all the extra meds.

I called my midwife this afternoon to set up my first regular prenatal appointment-- have to make sure their schedule doesn't fill up!  Monika, who was a student midwife two years ago when I saw them, is now fully credentialed and working fulltime, which was great to hear-- I really like her.  Mary (the one I call "my" midwife) will be on vacation around when I need my first appointment, so Monika will do it-- should be great.  And that first appointment is July 31st at 8:00 am.  This one is when we should *hear* the heartbeat!  Hopefully!  We'll be right on the line, so if we don't hear it then, we'll come back soon afterward and get it then.

Monika is also calling in my referral to Dr. Berry's office to do the nuchal translucency test.  Apparently, Dr. Berry likes to do it around 12 weeks, so sometime around Friday, August 10.  I will call him on Wednesday of next week to schedule that.

The other calls on my to-do list are to my insurance companies.  Both of them will have me jump through hoops to have my midwife's care covered-- probably just setting up an appointment with my primary care physician and getting a referral.  But I'll need to do that pretty quickly too, so I've got to get on it.  As much as I dread talking to the insurance companies...

All for the sake of someone who looks sort-of like this right now:

Webbed fingers and toes!  Eyelids!  A nose!  All kinds of things growing this week.

And as for me?  Still haven't thrown up, even if there have been some close calls.  So this is like a whole puke-free week for free, as compared to past pregnancies.  I have a love/hate relationship with food-- can't eat very much at a time and I rarely want to eat dinner at all, but sometimes I do have those crazy cravings (apparently for M and N's favorite foods-- go figure!).  I'm sleeping 10 hours a night, which is a little ridiculous, but Rick indulges it.  Rick and the girls are all so supportive while I'm feeling yucky-- I'm pretty lucky that way.

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