Thursday, July 5, 2012

Misadventures in Lab Land

In the ongoing comedy of errors that is my experience with labwork and this pregnancy...

Got to the lab at 7:05.  Quite a few people already waiting.  When I was called, I told them that the nurse said she would enter the lab orders in directly.  They checked the computer.  Nope.  Checked the other system.  Nada.  Sigh.

So I called Houston IVF.  It was about 7:10 and the office doesn't open until 7:30, so I left a message with the after-hours people.  Then, at 7:30 precisely, I called again and left a message for Andrea.  She called back a few minutes later and said she had refaxed the order, but could she verify the fax number?  She was faxing to a Houston number, and I am at a lab in Austin, so there's part of the problem.  She said she would fax again.

The fax finally came through at about 7:50.  They got me back right away, but the phlebotomist today was rough (I'll take a student again, please!) and had a hard time getting a vein, which really never happens for me-- I've got good, easy-to-find veins.  Somehow, there's about a one-inch scrape going down from the puncture site.  No idea what went on there.

Since I never had the lab orders in-hand this time, I'm not sure whether she put the alternative fax number on there, or if I'll have to hunt down results again.  Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised this time!

I hate sounding so negative-- it doesn't jive with how I usually am.  I'm definitely looking forward to that magical time in just a few weeks when my days aren't filled with lab tests and medication schedules, when we can just settle into the routine miracles of pregnancy.

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