Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Testing 1, 2, 3

Now that is a pretty sight, don't you think?

My plan was to start testing on Sunday, 4 days past the 5 day transfer (4dp5dt).  But some friends convinced me to test on Saturday.  Stark white test.  Totally depressing, despite my knowing it was too early.  Peer pressure is a bad thing, folks.  Just say no.

But Sunday morning, as planned, I tested again.  Our transfer had been at about 1:00 pm, so this was technically 3.75dp5dt.  Stark white again.  But when I went back to the test after the time limit, once it had started to dry, there was definitely a ghost of a line.  I've never had that happen without it actually being a positive test, so I felt pretty confident that it was a real positive.  Positive enough that I called M and N at 10 that morning (and woke them up!) to tell them.

I tested again at about 1:00 (true 4dp5dt) and had the same result, which made me more confident that the first one wasn't just an evaporation line or defective test.  That's the one pictured on top above.  And then I tested again Monday morning and this morning.  The lines are a really nice progression-- each is about twice as dark as the one before it (but the first two are super light, so it's hard to tell, really).

Today's line looks great.  I had some nagging fears of a chemical pregnancy, but they're being quieted by this non-squinter line.

Looking forward to our beta on Friday.  I think I'll email Barb today to see when the repeat will be.

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