Monday, June 17, 2013

Belated Father's Day

I got a text from M on Saturday, from somewhere very far away that I'd like to be right now.  Good to hear from him and know that everyone's having fun on their trip.  It may be a while before they venture out on another 3-week family adventure.  Ha!

The babies and I had a good, busy weekend.  We went to Mariela's dance show on Friday night and it was incredible, as always.  I checked heartbeats when I got home and found all three immediately.  Very convenient that they've chosen distinct real estate.

Right now, Baby A is moving like crazy, as he has been much of the weekend.  Hello, little man!  On Saturday, I had some iced tea (the rare appearance of caffeine in my diet) and he was moving SO much it made me laugh.  Definitely stepped up the activity level.

I still don't feel much of the other two, but I know it's a matter of positioning.  Just now I pushed on the left side of my uterus and I can feel something going on in there when I do that-- as I recall, Baby B's placenta is anterior (up front), which masks a lot of her movement.  And, so he wouldn't feel left out, I mashed down on the top of my uterus to say hello to Baby C and he kicked me too ("Lay off, woman!").  I don't remember where his placenta is for sure, but I think it's right at the top, so again, between the baby and the outside world.  I guess it's pretty likely that I'll always feel A the most.

Nobody else can feel them yet-- I think we're a month or so off from that.  The girls are really looking forward to it.

I'm starting to get a few "when are you due?" questions, and let me just say that November sounds really, really far away.  We haven't even officially started summer yet, and we have to get through the whole season before we're even close.  September 22, the first day of fall, will be just two days after I hit 31 weeks.  These babies know better than to show up during a Texas summer.

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