This morning, I thought about posting that I'm pretty sure I've now felt babies A and B, but not C. I figured that C is the smallest and in the most awkward position for ultrasound, so maybe he'd take a while for me to feel. But just now, I got a whole string of little flutters from the tip-top of my uterus, right where C hangs out. So I think I've now officially felt all three. Woohoo!
The movements are still not consistent at all, and I have to be still to notice, but I do love having little check-ins from my womb-mates. I really can't imagine what it will be like when they're all kicking and rolling.
Otherwise, all is well. I feel like I've graduated from "is she pregnant?" to "she's pregnant!" In other words: I'm big! Way bigger than I've ever been at this stage of the game.
Visited the Capitol nurse this morning to double check my blood pressure. When they checked it on Friday it was something like 122/76, which is normal, but high for me. Just felt inaccurate. And sure enough, when Tim checked today, it was 98/60. I am a low blood pressure kind of gal.
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