Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Delivery dream

I think it was Saturday night that I had a dream about delivering the babies.  Here it is:
I was already in the hospital, checked in for some kind of monitoring or something.  Two nurses came into the room.  One was still being trained and they asked me if it was ok for her to check me-- and of course, I was fine with that.  It was an internal exam, checking for dilation or something, and when she got started, her eyes opened really wide and she made some kind of surprised face.  The other nurse said something like "You've never felt triplets before, have you?"
So then I got distracted for a minute, figuring they were busy measuring or whatever, but next thing I know, Novice Nurse is handing babies over to the other nurse.  Just like that!  No labor, no pushing, they were just waiting there, ready to be handed out.  They were fully dressed (at birth) and about the size of guinea pigs.
I said something like "But I'm not even 30 weeks!"  The babies were completely fine and healthy, nobody seemed worried at all.  They handed me all three of them and left the room.
I thought I should call M and N, so I was trying to wrangle all three babies and somehow make the call at the same time.  Might have been possible, except the babies were super-squirmy and rolling all over the place-- I could hardly keep them in my arms.  Then I realized I didn't even know who was who.  I had two in my left arm and one in the right, and I looked to the right and said "you must be the girl" and she smiled at me with a full set of big, white, adult teeth.  And then the boys smiled at me too, also with big ol' teeth.  I thought they were all very cute.
And then I woke up.  Why are dreams so weird??

In any case, looking forward to Friday.  Rick got stuck on jury duty this week, so I don't know that he'll have the chance to come to the appointment after all-- bummer.  But I think the girls are coming with me in any case, so I'll have company for the loooooong ultrasound.  Eager to see the trio up close and personal. 

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