Monday, March 11, 2013

More tests

Well, 12 hours after that first* faint BFP, I got the glaring one on the left below:

The other tests lined up on the right are from the last time around (ok, I may have been hoarding them).  I took this picture to show M and N how much DARKER the line is this time.  It's darker than it was last time two days later!
I starred "first" up there because Andie is sure she can see something on the 3dp5dt test as well.  Maybe so, but I never would have called it a line, because it's really more of an indication of where the line should be.  Impossible to describe.  Anyway, first BFP was either on 3.5dp5dt or 3dp5dt, depending who you talk to.

Here is today's test (and my messy desk in the background)-- 5dp5dt:

Twice as dark as yesterday's test.
Unbelievably enough, I think I'm done testing.  There's just no suspense in it!  I'll take another one Friday morning, just because I like to see how the line compares to the beta.  So maybe another on Monday for the repeat too, just for the same reason.  I'll keep the rest to send out to my friends/clients.
I will be shocked if our beta is less than 500 on Friday.  I'm expecting 900.  I keep doing triplet research.  Better to be prepared...

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